Tuesday, February 17, 2009

WTF is with "developers" using Windows to write code? *updated*

Seriously, WTF? Demo? Check out this moron.

I read the #django-users' list and it seems that, almost daily, there is someone that has a problem installing django on Vista or XP. Who would host a server running Vista or XP? I hope, NO ONE. What kind of moron would trust Microsoft with his/her data? Also, seriously, who runs server farm hosting businesses on Windows? I know people do, but, self flagellation would be a little less painful, really.

I read the mod_wsgi users' list and it seems that, almost daily, someone has a problem installing mod_wsgi on Windows. (I have had my fair share of mod_wsgi problems (see below)) but a local Apache server on Windows, c'mon people.

Most of the screencasts I have seen about anything django or Python related has been done on Windows as well. Save us FSM (flying spaghetti monster).

I guess I have to applaud their efforts, these lost intellects, I got off the Windows juice many years ago. I have been consistently Windows free for the better part of 6 years. What should they use? Unix, almost any flavor. I was never much for the distros that had BSD in the name, my hardware was too advanced to install it (god I miss those days). Nowadays, I run OS X on my MBP and OpenSolaris on my in home staging server. Both Unix, both very powerful and all that. Both > Windows.

Seriously "developers" get an operating system that will allow you to actually have a key to the hood so you can fix your own itches.

(This kind of ended up as an opensource parade but it is still true; friends don't let friends use Windows.)


Graham Dumpleton said...

Hmmm, you must read a different mod_wsgi list to me if you think there are daily problems about installing mod_wsgi on Windows. :-)

There was a big discussion recently about how to compile mod_wsgi for Python 2.6. This discussion happened because the person who normally creates Windows builds for mod_wsgi seems to have vanished for now so we had to recreate the procedure to work out how to build it for Python 2.6. I have been a bit lax in following up on that and documenting it.

Apart from that one discussion one rarely sees Windows specific problems in relation to mod_wsgi. People just use the precompiled binaries and they work no problems. There are certainly none of the miriad of problems one sees when people try and use mod_python on Windows.

That said, I would agree that Windows isn't particular a good platform for mod_wsgi. But this is simply because daemon mode isn't supported, not because mod_wsgi doesn't work or has lots of problems on Windows.

branesks said...

I was being a little facetious about the problems being daily on the mod_wsgi list, I admit. It must just seem like it to me because the Windows thing really bothers me.

mod_python is utterly horrible and ridiculous, I personally, went through the mess of installing and configuring it before I found out about mod_wsgi.

mod_wsgi is a great piece of software no matter what platform it is used on. Agreed.

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